Identify your ethnic origins from 4,529 regions around the world, discover where your ancestors came from through a comparison of your DNA with a database of 17 million people.
Find relatives you share DNA with from around the world and connect with them if you wish.
Detection of genetic diseases most likely to occur from a list of 5,923 diseases, find out if you carry a hereditary disease.
Analysis of your pharmacological compatibility, learn about your compatibility with a wide range of medicines.
Analysis of how your genes interact with nutrition and exercise, and over 200 personal characteristics such as a predisposition to obesity, avoiding mistakes, gambling addiction, and more.
Learn about how you respond to effort, physical exercise and diet.
Analysis carried out in an ISO 17025 certified setting.
100% reliability thanks to our double verification process.
Employees specialized in molecular genetics.
Expertise in the most innovative and advanced DNA testing techniques.
Test kit sent in an unmarked envelope.
Your details are handled securely and are not shared with any third parties.
The fastest test, with results by email within 72 hours of your kit being received by the laboratory.
• Order your kit and let us know where you want us to send the discreet envelop.
• You will receive an envelope containing the testing kits in the mail.
• Take DNA from the mouth using the cotton buds provided.
• Put the samples and the form in the envelope provided.
• Send us the envelope by post.